ArtScience Museum:

Into The Wild

Into the Wild is a mixed reality experience taking place in Singapore’s ArtScience Museum. Visitors can freely explore an immersive exhibit in which the entire museum transforms into a virtual rainforest.

Media Monks - Into The Wild - Logo

Google Tango AR Experience

Thanks to Tango. The app tracks motion and understands depth, distance travelled and objects inside the museum-turned-rainforest. The rainforest is inhabited by endangered animals people can interact with to learn about the dangers they face from human impact. Into the Wild becomes a reality when the virtual tree that people can plant as a symbolic act becomes a real tree in Sumatra donated by the project’s sponsors.


Museum fully transformed


Wild animals



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Art Science Museum - Logo White

The Work

Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - 02
Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - 10
Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - 04
Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - 09
Robert-Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - 13
Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - 05
Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - 08
Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - 07
Robert-Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - 19
Robert-Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - 20
Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - Tapir
Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - Prototype
Robert Berrier - 2016 - WWF Into The Wild - 01